Still using RocketMod?
OpenMod is the free and open source successor of RocketMod.OpenMod supports all RocketMod plugins and features and much more. Migration only takes 5 minutes.
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Whisper, Normal, Shout, Group, Broadcast
Disable cosmetics of users. Ideal for Roleplay servers.
Allow players to report others and have the report relayed directly to Discord!
Virtual storage for vehicles. MySQL isnt required and has UI support
Restrict items with many options
Your all in one Police Plugin! Manage Police Officers, Frisk Criminals and much more!
Logs or Sends Discord Webhooks whenever a Sign is changed!
Let players buy crates and keys and unbox them for items!
Make structures permanent!
Ability to rob banks and have hostages with full UI support for robbers and police.
An advanced voting plugin
Better permission system for your server
Add your very own unique chat style
Players will sleep (like sleepers in Rust) when logging off
Mine crypto and sell them for profit!
A high-performance ban plugin with IP and HWID banning
Adds the ability for players to place hits with a sleek and simple UI for hitmen.
Advanced Regions plugin ideal for RP/War servers
Prevent players from building at loot spawns!
Send custom Webhooks to a Discord Channel when a Structure is being Raided!
Players find and unbox loot boxes giving random rewards
Rust UI for Unturned!
Bank with ease with a sleek UI
Expand the medical role, adding a lot of utilities and systems for them.
Ability to change the full vanilla hud with a custom hud through a command. Ability to add different varients of huds for the users to choose.
Give you some effects when you consume drugs.
A plugin for RP that alerts first responders to danger
Modify players' speed and more based on their items.
Adds a number of police utilities such as Frisking, Impounding, Vehicle Trac...
Save and load custom Loadouts on the go and sync between Servers using MySQL. Ideal for Creative and Sandbox Servers!
Automatically turns off any generators, torches, etc. from a player when they disconnect
Your all in one Kits plugin. Supports XML or MySQL. Has countless features!
Call in an airdrop using the specified throwable of your choice! Comes with a Rust Type Throwable as well!
Allows Users to get Rewards from joining Steam Groups!
The original jobs plugin. Advanced Jobs for players. Ideal for roleplay-base...
Alerts you in Discord when a Vehicle is being damaged/destroyed!
The Vault Plugin allows you to create enderchest-like private storages in Un...
Offers customizable HUD with multiple designs. Killfeed & animations are included!
Advanced plugin to add functional ovens and a lot of recipes!
The standard economy plugin
Add restrictions for planting.
Adds a UI-based shop system to your server.
Despawn player vehicles when they leave the server and spawn them back when they connect again
Allow players to deliver mail to locations!
Battlepass with mission and leveling system.
Creates a sphere around the player's death position and prevents him from en...
Easy, fast and powerful Unturned server manager.
Better decay system for your server! Supports Base decays and Player decays at the same time!
Automatically despawns vehicles after an unused duration.
Bungeecord in Unturned.
Display on-duty police count and automate paychecks
Rev up your creativity with CarFactory - the ultimate Unturned plugin for manufacturing custom vehicles! With its user-friendly interface, unique factory models, and special effects, building someone's dream car ride has never been easier.
Wayfind to your Bed, Vehicle, Location and Marker using Roads! Super fast and Works on ALL Maps!
Gives player ability to change ragdoll effect when killing animal or zombie
A deathpack drops at player's position with all their items when players die!
Spawn lootable crates on the map at random position with random items.
Adds a simple armor status UI to the screen
Real-time game's kills with configurable icons and configurable colors. Or a text based killfeed through chat.
Lets you control what drops on death!
Allows you Users to Pick Pocket others. Includes many configurable options!
Auto crafting & crafting blacklisting plugin
A plugin which adds code locks to doors/storages.
Drag players around the map like FiveM or like in real life
Sell your items with a simple inventory and sell automatically specified items.
A complete rust build and upgrade system.
Automate the selling of houses on your server!
4 different VPN blocking API implemented
Save a players data to a MySQL server. Multi-character support, includes inventory, position, skills, health, AND MORE!
Give players access to specific locked doors through permissions!
Set queue-bypassing roles, admin roles and manage users' queue privileges.
Help your players while using commands and some utilities every server owner wants !
> Custom sizes on clothing and storages depending on player permissions
A simple plugin to manage the pvp/pve in your server.
Arena leaderboard plugin that will list players with more kills in the current match
Shows item and vehicle info in discord.
Clear any UI effect off your screen, either by their ID, or just all!
Plugin able to restore animals positions after server restart
Make blowtorches require materials to use, and add repair cooldowns after damage.
Add the ability to revive knocked teammates using items, revive stances, and a fully integrated medic system.
A utility to bind messages and commands to hotkeys and gestures.
Dig gems with a machine!
Animals breeding like in minecraft now in unturned
Create codes and receive a reward for using the code, such as permissions, e...
A nice and easy to use spawn protection plugin!
Allow users to particpate in a server-wide lottery!
Store experience and money in your groupbank
Display on a Sign when a player last played the server
Medical System for Roleplay or PVP servers
Create Speed Limits, Speed Zones and Speed Cameras for your Server along wit...
Add a new type of Job to your roleplay with unique quality!
Keep players engaged with daily quests and rewards! Enjoy auto-questing for headache-free integration
PvP Focused Features
Allow your players to report another player with a sleek UI. Staff members have their own UI to view each and every report made!
An UI which shows to the players who joined and who leaved
Players can now get stressed when in combat. For more realistic roleplay experience
A multi-character, persistent system for creating, customizing, and selecting characters in-game. Great for roleplay!
Customize what happens when players consume certain items! Let your creativity run wild!
MiniGames for Chat
Easily unlock vehicles on the map, good for administration
A Private chat with a Player and Admins
Teleportation utility commands for unturned.
MySQL based ranks with reward functions.
Doors are closing after time and can be opened by punching
Mute troublesome players!
Give details about your death in a UI, body part, time survived and much more !
Welcome your players to your server! Options for players when they first join the server!
Add Deathmatch game modes to your server.
Limit accounts which are trying to connect to your server
Receive rewards for voting!
Let your staff do their job!
Send messages when someone connects or disconnects to the server
Allows your players to go rogue, allowing them to kill for rewards
Give yourself a kit
Offers a highly customizable money printers!
Enhance fishing on your server by customizing drops
Adds Player Stats and Rankings to your server. UI Powered !
Warp Plugin out of this world! Adds many essential Features!
Execute commands by punching a sign.
Safely trade items with other players
Allows using thermal goggles in multiplayer
A modern way for players to select and view their kits, providing an in-game character preview. Must have for serious PvP servers.
Simple afk plugin.
Adds news PvP Features!
Allows Users to get Rewards for joining your Discord Guild!
Offline Raid Protection
uEssentials is a plugin that adds new commands and features to Unturned Servers.
Allow your players to claim a Reward each day while on your server! Start streaks, gain rewards and more!
Most advanced building restriction in unturned!
Uconomy Essentials Rocket Plugin for Unturned 3.0
Rob players like in real life !
Make Vanilla HandCuffs better
Includes perm based vehicle groups, repairing, lockpicking, siphoning of vehicles, and indestructible tires.
Fisherman job
Adds an image and text watermark to your player's screen. Show off your flair!
Set bounties on other players.
Adds named teleport points to a server.
Add custom spawn points
Displays the server status using a discord bot
Add a new type of Job to your roleplay with unique quality!
Allow players to start a Quarry up to produce new Items!
A Moderation Plugin to help out ease the pain of Moderating players in your server!
Keep players engaged with daily quests and rewards ! No workshop required. Enjoy auto-questing for headache-free integration
Record users voice and save it to a audio file to manage reports!
Create delivery jobs with missions for Roleplay servers
Prevent players from exiting the server during combat [Roleplay & PVP Servers]
Car repair shop plugin suitable for all kinds of servers
Chance to multiply your weapons damage when using specific attachments!
Remove the language barrier on your server
Enchant your items with a cool animation
Set up personalized clothing shops anywhere on your map with unique categories to showcase and custom effects!
With VehicleInsurance, players can protect their precious vehicles from theft, accidents, and destruction, adding a new layer of realism and excitement to their virtual world.
Adds a seatbelt and crashing to your Unturned server
Convert generators to Wind Turbines!
An automatically rotating store with UI
A way to see who's really the best PVPer on your server
A minimalistic, modern HUD inspired by DayZ.
Turn the hand slot into a secure container, control what can be dragged, dropped, and swapped from the container - and keep items secure on death! Great for Unturnov.
Restrict items with multiple editing options.
Permission based loadout system!
Restrict who can farm seeds and which seeds can be farmed
A advanced killstreak reward plugin with a lot of options.
A simple manager to restrict barricades in vehicles.
Create the Tops system with prizes
A plugin that adds a stock market to your Unturned server
A plugin that helps to prevent KOS on your server
Control how vehicles are locked and unlocked
Log specific commands publicly in chat
Control how Zombies spawn and make them ignore you.
Restrict how long players can play on your server
Makes players spawns far from their death points
Damage multiplier based on permissions
Adds anonymous chat
A star system similar to that of GTAs
Add unique features to your weapons.
A plugin to cluster all buildables into defined bases!
Allows admins to login to bluehammer. Made for access without console.
Manage animals and zombies with commands!
Back command for RocketMod 4
Simple plugin to give yourself or others experience with additional functions.
Geo IP Whitelist/Blacklist.
Spy all players
Send messages as other players
Unturned airdrop manager.
Track player stats in Unturned 3.0.
EasyAmmo plugin for rocketmod unturned servers
Whitelist Mysql Mod for Unturned requiring Rocket
Feast Rocket Plugin for Unturned 3.0
Message of the Day for Unturned Rocket server
Automatically or manually reset loot
Effects on Death
Adds Licenses to your server
Heals a buildables.
Adds WhatsApp Messenger in your Unturned Server!
Force drop player items
More advanced investigation
A Sexy DoorPlugin For A Sexy Game
Manage reputations
Show Events in RP Situations
A Rocket plug-in that punishes players who combat log.
Players count via UI
RichAnnouncer for RocketMod 4
BuilderMode plugin gives player ability to enter builder mode
Neat buttons on the side of your screen that redirect you to some configurable links.
The only Discord bot you'll need.
Use the referral code to receive money
Plugin able to spawn and kill animals with commands