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-- AntiCombatLog --

A Rocket plug-in that punishes players who disconnect from the server after a configurable number of seconds after taking damage.

<CombatLogGracePeriod>15</CombatLogGracePeriod> - How many seconds after getting hit do you have to wait to not be considered combat logging.
<WarningMessageColor>red</WarningMessageColor> - The color of all the messages the plug-in prints.
<ShowCombatLogMessagesToGlobalChat>true</ShowCombatLogMessagesToGlobalChat> - Tell all players on the server about the combat logger.
<ReminderNotifications>true</ReminderNotifications> - Remind the player of how many seconds are left until they can safely log out.
<ReminderNotificationInterval>5</ReminderNotificationInterval> - How many seconds apart to show the reminder notifications.


Currently combat loggers will not be punished if the server restarts before they log back on after combat logging. This is because the list of combat loggers is stored in memory. Looking into a solution.

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All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.