A plugin that adds a stock market to your Unturned server.
This plugin allows you to configure a StockMarket for your Unturned server that can include Stocks from in-game businesses. You can configure aspects of each stock such as Name, Short Name, Volatility, and Price.
- Add as many stocks as you like
- Configure options about each stock
- StockBalance UI
Workshop Download
Here is a link to the default configuration https://pastebin.com/nTsUWhAE
[] - required arguements, () - optional arguments
/buystock [Stock Short Name] [Amount]
Aliases: /bs
Permission: stockmarket.buy
/sellstock [Stock Short Name] (Amount)
Aliases: /ss
Permission: stockmarket.sell
Aliases: /ls /lstocks
Permission: stockmarket.liststocks
Aliases:/cp /pricecheck /pc
Permission: stockmarket.checkprice
Aliases: /cb /checkbal /sb/ stockbal
Permission: stockmarket.checkbalance
To keep up to date with plugin updates and leave suggestions please join my discord https://discord.gg/4Fyz9wKC2Q