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Seatbelt A new Unturned plugin that allows you to add the ability for your players to fasten their seatbelts when driving a vehicle to either reduce or negate damage to themselves when they crash the car.

When a player crashes their car, into a tree for example not only does the car take damage but now the player does as well.

Configuration The easy to use configuration can be found below.

There are no commands for this plugin

Usage In order for a player to activate their seatbelt they must enter a vehicle and then press either one of their lean keys. They cannot leave the vehicle if their seatbelt is on so they must press either one of their lean keys again to remove their seatbelt so that they can get out.

Each player must be belted individually in the vehicle if the driver is belted and a passenger is not the passenger will take non-belted damage whereas the driver will take belted damage.

Players with the permission specified in the configuration and the specified gun can shoot a car and see if all the passengers have their seatbelt on or not.

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Store: Pixel8

Price: $3.49

Supported payment methods
PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.