A Quests plugin to get your players occupied in a daily basis, you can set yourself the quests or use the AutoQuests system !
This plugin is the Text Only Version of DailyQuestsUI, you will not have access to UI through this version, please buy the other one if it's what you want, this version exists for servers that doesn't want a workshop
Quick look of main features of the plugin
- You can create the quests with commands
- You can see quests and streaks using commands
- You can create quests automatically in providing the minimum requirement and the maximum in config for each type of quest
- You can set multiple rewards for a quest (Uconomy | XP | Rocket Group | Command | CAR | Group || Points)
- You can set daily streaks => a List of reward which is given when a player clear all quests in a setted amount of days (the streak reset if the players hasn't cleared all the quests of a day
- You can set how many minutes before the quests reset (default 1 day : 1440 minutes)
- Daily streaks can be repeatable every time the user gets a multiplier of the streak it wins it again or when a user has his streak reset he can win again the rewards
- more than 15 types of quests are available (see below for a complete list)
Available quests type
You can suggests me any type of questType you want to be added in my discord (create a ticket)
- XP
- PlayTime
- Item (Having X amount of the same item in inventory)
- Kills
- Headshots
- Zombie
- Animal
- SPECIFICZOMBIE (kill X amount of zombie of a certain speciality)
- SPECIFICANIMAL (kill X amount of animal with a given ID)
- PlayerCraft (craft X amount of item with a given ID)
- KillZombieMelee (kill X amount of zombie with a melee weapon)
- PlayTimeInVehicule (stay x amount of time inside a vehicle)
- Fishing (catch something x time with fishing)
- HordeBeacon
- Build
Available rewards type
type anotated with ! can't be rewards with the AutoQuests functionnality
- Item
- Uconomy
- XP
- Car!
- Command! (execute a command to the user with
{PlayerID} Or {PlayerName}
) ! - Group! (Rocket group, usefull for giving a special kit to player and so on) !
- Points!
Add a quest
Note that a quest without reward will not appear in /quests and can't be completed
if it doesn't have at least one reward
Quest info
You will have to create a quest first then add it rewards (all using commands) call /addquest with at least 3 parameters :
- Quest Order : number
- Quest Type
- Quest requirement : number Some Quests will require another parameter
- Item or PlayerCraft or Specific Animal :
- ItemId : number
- Specific Zombie :
- Zombie speciality : see below
/addquestreward The points reward is a type of reward that enables to connect with others plugins in order to make a customized rewarding system (like a point shop). In order to use it, make a ticket and I'll give you the API Library You have to specify at least 3 parameters :
- QuestID : number (get questID using /delquest without parameters)
- Type of reward : XP | ITEM | UCONOMY | CAR | GROUP | COMMAND | POINTS
- RewardQuantity : quantity of reward (all except text)
- ObjectID (ITEM | CAR)
- Reward text (GROUP | COMMAND)
the Order the quest will determines when the quest will appear, put 1 will make the quest appear immediatly, 2 will make it appear 1 reset after the creation and so one (for example if you put 3 and have reset to be done each day, you will see the quest in 2 days)
Create a new streak
You will have to create a streak then add rewards to it /addstreak it will require at least 1 parameter :
- streak : number (number of daily streaks to reach : how many days the user has to complete quests to win rewards)
- can repeat : 1 if the quest should be repeatable
Create streak rewards
/addstreakreward You have to specify at least 3 parameters :
- QuestID : number (get questID using /delquest without parameters)
- Type of reward : XP | ITEM | UCONOMY | CAR | GROUP | COMMAND | POINTS
- RewardQuantity : quantity of reward (all except text)
- ObjectID (ITEM | CAR)
- Reward text (GROUP | COMMAND)
Setting UP AutoQuests
Go to your configurations.xml and follow this guide
Removing type of quests in AutoQuests
simply inside Requirements the lines that you don't want anymore, you can see which line stands with which type with the Name attribute
Setting up a minimum or a maximum value for each type of quest
Items : You have to add inside AutoItemsIncluded a new item specifying : ID | minimal quantity | maximal quantity PlayerCrafts : You have to add inside AutoCraftsList a new item specifying : ID | minimal quantity | maximal quantity Others: Just modify MinQuantity and MaxQuantity in the corresponding line inside Requirements
Setting up auto rewards
AutoMinRewardsQuantity => specify how many reward should have at least one quest AutoRewardCanBeSameType => specify if a quest can have the same type of reward AutoMinRewardXPOrUconomy => specify the minimum reward for XP or Uconomy (if canUse Uconomy is true) AutoMaxRewardXPOrUconomy => specify the minimum reward for XP or Uconomy (if canUse Uconomy is true) AutoRewardsItemsIncluded => specify which items are allowed to be in reward and the minimal/maximal quantity to get
How can I Get quest or streak ID
Simply execute /delquest or /delstreak without argument, it will lists all active quests and streaks
- /addquest <Order> <Type> <Requirement> <...> => add a quest
- /addstreak <streak> <1|Nothing> => add a streak
- /addstreakreward <Streak> <Type> <Amount> => add reward to a created streak
- /addquestreward <QuestID> <Type> <Amount> => add reward to a created quest
- /deletequest <id> => Delete a quest (you get the ID in the database)
- /deletestreak <id> => Delete a streak (you get the ID in the database)
- /quests => Show all active and not finished quests
- /showstreak => Show player streak with max streak and next streak to reach with rewards
Zombie Speciality