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A Moderation Plugin to help out ease the pain of Moderating players in your server! This plugin REQUIRES Moderation2 By Shimmy!



  • Uses Moderation2
  • Trustscore System
  • Chat Messages / Commands Logs
  • Recent Username Changes
  • Admin Permissions (Freecam, AdminEdit, AdminStats)
  • Webhooks

Player Commands

  • MyTrustscore | BTModeration.Player.MyTrustscore | Displays the current Rank and Trustscore

Administration Commands

  • Notation <Target> <Reason> | BTModeration.Administration.Notation | Place a Note on a players account
  • Warn <Target> <Reason> | BTModeration.Administration.Warn | Places a Warning on a players account
  • Kick <Target> <Reason> | BTModeration.Administration.Kick | Kicks the player from the server
  • Ban <Target> <Duration> <Reason> | BTModeration.Administration.Ban | Bans a player from the server
  • Commendation <Target> <Reason> | BTModeration.Administration.Commendation | Lets other staff know that a player did a good thing. Such as doing good RP or helping out staff
  • Staff | BTModeration.Administration.Staff | Opens up the Staff UI
  • Destroy | BTModeration.Administration.Destroy | Destroys the Barricade / Structure you are currently looking at
  • Door | BTModeration.Administration.Door | Opens / Closes the door you are currently looking at
  • Storage | BTModeration.Administration.Storage | Opens the Storage you are currently looking at


  • Trustscore is how trustworthy a player is in your server. The Trustscore is defined by their Playtime and how many commendations a player has. Each punishment the player receives, such as a Warning or kick, will lower their Trustscore. Once they reach a certain percentage, they will be added to a Permission Group.

Configuration Explaination

DatabaseRefreshRate - How fast the data is retrived from the Database Table.
UIButtonDelay - A Delay in Miliseconds the prevent players from spamming the UI Buttons (Moderation, Players & Profile) and crashing it.


Q: How come I need to use Moderation2? A: There was a lot of thought behind whether BTModeration should use Moderation2 or not. In the end, I decided that Moderation2 is already perfect in the moderation aspect. However, it's missing features that would make moderation on your server easier.

Q: What happens if I buy the plugin without knowing that I needed Moderation2?
A: If you have recently bought BTModeration in the last few days without knowing you needed Moderation2, shoot me a message, and I will gladly refund you.

Q: Will you ever make the plugin standalone?
A: It has been a thought while developing the plugin. However, with Moderation2 being used on most servers, it's better to add more features to the existing plugin rather than making you choose one over another.

User Reviews

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Store: BTPlugins

Price: $15

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All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.