Command Helper

(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (2)


  • Give suggestions when the player inputs a wrong command. If he inputs /t the plugin suggests: "Did you mean /teleport?"
  • Display useful information about a command which helps you to know whats does the command do and what are their permissions
  • List all the commands you have access. It helps new users to know what they can do on the server plus it is for your when configuring the permission groups


  • /commandinfo: Displays usefull information of the command such as permissions, help and syntaxt
  • /commandlist: Lists all the commands you have access to


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <MessageIconUrl></MessageIconUrl>  <!-- The icon that the suggestion message will have -->
  <MinimumCoincidences>4</MinimumCoincidences> <!-- The coincidences a command name must have with a given input to check if the user meant that command. Recommend to leve it by default at 4 -->
	<ExcludedCommandsFromSuggestions>  <!-- Commands that are not going to be shown in the suggestions -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="suggestion" Value="Did you mean {0}?" />
  <Translation Id="listcommands_info" Value="You have access to {0} commands. Use /commandinfo &lt;command name&gt; to get further info" />
  <Translation Id="listcommands_display" Value="- /{0}" />
  <Translation Id="commandinfo_notfound" Value="Command was not found" />
  <Translation Id="commandinfo_display" Value="Name: {0}, Permissions: {1}, Syntax: {2}, Help: {3}, Allowed Caller: {4}." />

User Reviews

Dayum smarter than I thought it would be(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Aug 12, 2022

Works perfectly, Instead of having to type in each single command, the plugin just finds the existing commands your server has and gives suggestions based on what you type. Very good for commands with confusing names like /gadd or /bindcommand (which I confuse with /commandbind hehe)

0 out of 0 people found this helpful

Hi, Thanks for your review !

FPlugins | Aug 12, 2022

Store: FPlugins

Price: $10

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Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.