AOB Printers Features
- MySQL Database - All the important data for every printer is stored in MySQL database making it easily accessible and viewable.
- Chat Notifications - Chat notifications for when your printer has been destroyed.
- Barricade Verification - Ensures that there aren't any 'ghost-printers' which would cause unwanted behavior.
- Printer Protection - Provides a way to protect players' printers from being randomly griefed or destroyed by griefers.
- Thread Managing - Enjoy smooth gameplay as the plugin does all the heavy work behind the scenes on secondary threads and ensures a smooth server experience.
- Offline Printing - Possibility to allow players to offline print whilst there are supplies in their printers.
- Items As Currency - Allows the usage of items as money, rather than experience.
- Different Variations - The plugin has 5 different printer variations/tiers at the moment, allowing you to configure low-end to high-end printers.
- Highly Modular - The config includes a high variety of different options which lets you configure the printers completely to your own taste and your server's economy.
- Translations - You can change all the chat messages to whatever you seem fit!
- You can find the config file here.
Important Information
- Your server requires this mod for proper functionality.
- Join the AOB Plugins Discord here for updates, bug reports and community interaction.
We aim to provide the best support possible. For assistance, please contact me on the AOB Plugins Discord. Do not hesitate to ask any questions!
Price Justification
The price of this product may seem a bit high at first glance, but consider the extensive features and value it offers:
- Extensive Configuration The plugin allows you to configure it completely, which lets you make the printers to your own taste.
- Premade Objects And Items The plugin comes with a workshop mod which already has 5 different printers, and 5 supply items!
- Future Updates Purchasing this product entitles you to future updates and optimizations.
User Reviews
Its cool and all but money printers was better
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