Power you base with wind power!
Defineable Generators that work like WindTurbines from Rust.
Plugin Features: When placing a WindTurbine it will be filled to 100% and turned on if possible. WindTurbines can not be manually turned on or off and no fuel can be taken or added. Interact to check wind direction using custom effect
- Supports plugin reloading
- Custom UI
- Custom Effects
- Custom Model
Workshop Mod
The plugin should be used with this Mod. There is also the option to use your own generator assets!
Version: Shows the current plugin version (do not change this)
Debug: Enables debug log output.
SendChatMessages: if information on obstruction should be sent in chat (as alternative to the Custom UI and effects)
KeepCompletelyFilled: if set to true it will keep all active WindTurbines at 100% at all times, by default it will refill to 100% once empty for better performance
EffectConfig: Custom UI and Effect Settings (the wind effects are originating from the barricade position + WindCheckOriginOffset, pointing in the direction of wind)
- Enabled: if custom UI and wind check effects should be used
- ValidWindCheckEffectId: the effect shown on interaction, if the wind turbine is not obstructed (default 53000)
- InvalidWindCheckEffectId: the effect shown on interaction, if the wind turbine is not obstructed (default 53001)
- InfoUI_Id: The info window informing the player if the windturbine is placed to low (default 53002)
- InfoUI_Key: Change this value if you notice conflicts with other UI effects (default 530)
HeightCheckConfig: Settings for height checks
- CheckHeight: when enabled only WindTurbines above both defined limits will turn on
- MinimalDistanceFromGround: defines the minimal distance that WindTurbines will need to be above ground in meter
- MinimalTotalHeight: defines the minimal total height a WindTurbine has to be at
WindCheckConfig: Settings for the wind check
- Enabled: defines if WindTurbines can be blocked by other objects depending on wind direction
- WindCheckIntervalInSeconds: defines how often WindTurbines are checked for obstructions
- CollisionCheckRange: defines the radius around WindTurbines in which it is checking for obstructions
WindTurbines: the list of the actual WindTurbines
- GeneratorId: the Generators to use as WindTurbines
- WindCheckOriginOffset: from which height the wind check should be performed (this depends on the height of generator) WindCheckOriginOffset should be at least 1, 0 would be on the ground where the generator was placed on
<Translation Id="info_ground_height" Value="Wind turbine placed too close to the ground.
It needs to be at least {0}m above the ground." />
 is a new line and {0} is filled with MinimalDistanceFromGround
<Translation Id="info_too_low" Value="Wind turbine placed too low.
It needs to be at a height of {0}m." />
// {0} is filled with MinimalTotalHeight
<Translation Id="info_wind_block" Value="Wind turbine is blocked, make sure that nothing is blocking the turbine in wind direction (Radius: {0}m)." />
// {0} is filled with CollisionCheckRange
If you find any bugs, please contact me on Discord @derspeedmann