- Players can punch the signs to execute the commands
- Works with RocketMod and OpenMod commands
- Permissions to execute specific sign commands
- Configurable cooldowns for each sign command
- Option to make cooldowns global, meaning that you have to wait out the cooldown before using any sign commands
- Cooldowns do not go away on server restart
- Uses MySQL database
Look at a barricade while using the commands. Permissions are the same as the command name.
/addsign <command> <permission> <cooldown>
User Reviews
nice work man
1 out of 1 people found this helpful
Didn't support openmod commands, so I asked about it and it was fixed pretty fast. Thanks Akulation :)
1 out of 1 people found this helpful
Overpriced, Terrible Support, Not Optimized.
0 out of 5 people found this helpful
I'm sorry that you feel this plugin is not worth the price. You have not contacted me for support, and this plugin is optimized.
Akulation | Feb 28, 2023