- Configure as many currencies you want in the configuration.
- You can change the whole UI to your liking in the translations (rich text is also supported)
- Configure racks and graphic cards: set their efficiency, chance and fuel usage.
- Comes with 3 different racks and 4 different graphic cards.
- Comes with a UI that you can access by clicking on a laptop or through a command.
- Having a MySQL database is required for this plugin to work, if you are using a dedicated machine, then setup a MySQL database. If you are using a hosting service, your hosting usually provides a database. I won't be entertaining any requests asking as to how you setup a MySQL database on a dedicated machine, or how you don't have a request.
- You can choose if you want to use experience or uconomy.
- You can create different currencies and set their minimum and maximum price.
- You can set the minimum and maximum coins for a currency that can be mined at a time. (Decimals supported)
- The price of the currencies will be changed every X seconds that can be set in config.
- The price of the currencies will be selected from the minimum and maximum price.
- The chance for the price increasing increases everytime the price decreases and vice versa. (You can set the chance increase in config).
- You can create different rack tiers for each rack and have permission based racks as well.
- You can set the seconds after which the miner will try to mine a coin.
- There are 4 values you can set: Chance, Efficiency, Fuel Usage, Health Decrease Per Card.
- Chance is the percentage that a miner will be able to successfully mine a coin. The amount of coins mined is random from the minimum and maximum coins set for a currency.
- Efficiency is the percentage increase of coins applied to the amount of coins mined.
- Fuel Usage is the fuel that will be consumed from the rack (rack is a generator) each time a coin is successfully mined.
- Health Decrease Per Card is the health that will be taken from all the cards inside a rack each time it mines.
- Graphic cards can increase the efficiency, chance and fuel usage.
- Graphic cards can also be repaired, the price for that is set per HP for each card in the config.
- Rack tiers can increase the efficiency, chance and fuel usage and decrease the health decreased per card.
- You can also set the limit of racks a player can place (Permission based limits)
- You can also set if all the miners will be turned off or not when the player leaves the server (Keep in mind if this is false, on server start all the miners will be turned on)
- When a miner is destroyed, the cards will also be removed. To get the cards back, remove them manually from the UI after repairing them
- You also have to install this mod on your server for the plugin to work.
- /cryptoui (Permission: cryptoui)
If you bought the plugin and ran it on your server for the first time, no whitelisting is required. For any other servers that you use it on after that, you will need to create a whitelist ticket for it to work. Rules & procedure for requesting a whitelist ticket can be found here.
Default waiting time for any whitelist ticket to be processed is 3 days (usually I check all tickets every 3 days). If you are in an emergency and require urgent whitelisting, please dm me on discord or create a ticket here and ping me. If it takes more than 3 days, then please dm me or ping me on that discord, situations arise where I am unable to check tickets regularly.
If you have any bugs, support, questions then join this discord and create a ticket!
- DatabaseHost = The link/ip of the database.
- DatabaseUsername = Username of the database.
- DatabaseName = Name of the database.
- DatabasePassword = Password of the database.
- DatabasePort = Port of the database.
- RefreshCacheSeconds = Seconds after which the cache will be refresh. (if you do any chances directly through database it won't appear in the game unless the cache is refreshed)
- PlayersDataTableName = Table name where the players currencies and wallet will be stored.
- CurrencyDataTableName = Table name where the prices of currencies will be stored.
- RacksDataTableName = Table name where the rack information will be stored (This table can't be connected cross servers, this should be different for each server)
- TransactionsDataTableName = Table name where the last 15 transactions of the players are stored.
- CurrencyPrefix = Currency prefix which will be shown in messages and UI
- CurrencySuffix = Currency suffix which will be shown in messages and UI (Set this to for no suffix)
- ServerName = Name of the server that will be shown on the UI (If your logo contains the name then set this to )
- ServerLogo = Link to the image of the logo of the server that will be shown on the UI.
- WallpaperLogo = Link to the image of the background that will be shown when you open the UI, you can set it to nothing and it'll use the default image.
- UseExp = Set this to true if you want to use experience.
- UseUconomy = Set this to true if you want to use uconomy.
- EnableDebugLogs = Enable this if you want your console to be spammed by the debug logs from plugin (Only enable if asked to by the dev)
- TurnOffMachineWhenOwnerOffline = Set this to true if you want all machines of the player to be turned off when they go offline (If this is set to false, then all the machines will be turned on when the server starts if they have fuel)
- BaseRackLimit = Base limit of rack for players. You can set permission based limits later in the config.
- LaptopID = Laptop ID which will open the UI (The laptop comes with the mod and the id is set to that as default)
- UpdatePriceSeconds = Seconds after which the price of all currencies will be updated.
- CurrencyName = Name of the currency.
- CurrencyShort = The name of the currency that will be shown after the amount of coins (eg: BTC, ETH, LTC)
- CurrencyIconLink = Link to the icon of currency that will be shown on the UI.
- CurrencyDashboardIconLink = Link to the icon of currency that will be shown on the top navigation of UI. (Miners list)
- CurrencyColor = Color of the currency short (hex code is supported)
- MinPrice = Minimum price of the currency (Don't set this to 0)
- MaxPrice = Maximum price of the currency.
- ChanceIncrease = The chance increase (Explained in usage part)
- MinCoinMined = Minimum coins that can be mined (Decimal supported)
- MaxCoinMined = Maximum coins that can be mined (Decimal supported)
- AllowMine = Allow mining of this currency
- AllowBuy = Allow buying of this currency
- AllowSell = Allow selling of this currency
- ItemID = Item ID of the rack.
- BaseChance = Base chance of the rack (Explained in usage part)
- BaseEfficiency = Base efficiency of the rack (Explained in usage part)
- BaseFuelUsage = Base fuel usage of the rack (Explained in usage part)
- BaseHealthDecreasePerCard = Base health decrease per card of the rack (Explained in the usage part)
- MineSeconds = Seconds after which the rack will mine.
- MaxCards = Maximum cards that the rack can support (You can't set this by yourself, they are set by default. Don't change this or it'll error.)
- ChanceIncrease = The increase of chance of the rack. (Will be added on the BaseChance of the rack)
- EfficiencyIncrease = The increase of efficiency of the rack. (Will be added on the BaseEfficiency of the rack)
- FuelUsageIncrease = The increase of fuel usage of the rack (Can also be decrease just add a minus before it)
- HealthDecreasePerCard = Health decrease per card of the rack. (Note this is not increase like all the other values)
- UpgradePrice = Price to upgrade to this tier.
- Permission = Permission to upgrade to this tier. (Make sure the permission based tiers start at the end)
Graphic Card:
- ItemID = Item ID of the card.
- CardName = Name of the card which will be shown on the UI.
- ChanceIncrease = The increase of chance of the rack. (Will be added on the BaseChance of the rack)
- EfficiencyIncrease = The increase of efficiency of the rack. (Will be added on the BaseEfficiency of the rack)
- FuelUsageIncrease = The increase of fuel usage of the rack (Can also be decrease just add a minus before it)
- RepairCostPerHP = The cost of repairing 1 HP of the graphic card (When repairing it is multiplied by the missing health of GPU)
Rack Limit:
- Permission = Permission for this rack limit.
- Limit = Limit of racks for whoever has the permssion.
User Reviews
Amazing Plugin It was very useful and the community was very helpful getting it all setup
It's completely perfect but the only problem is the whitelisting problem. If you move to a new company or a different IP address, it may take a while to access the plugins.
it works. good plugin but bad support. gthey take a long time to whitelist it bruh.
The default waiting time on any whitelist request for all imperial plugins is 72 hours. You are free to ping me on discord or dm me if it's an emergency and get it whitelisted quicker. And if it goes above 72 hours you can also ping or dm me on discord. I almost always do them, I receive 20+ whitelist requests every 3 days and I clear them out.
I am unable to check the website everyday, and there is no way to notify me of whitelist requests.
As for support, if you can create a ticket on the Discord attached in the plugin description I would be able to help you much quicker.
its decent for the price but might be a bit complicated for new players and i recommend disabling the "Buy currency" feature
Literally extremely based plugin
Awesome plugin but could you make the price change not so often of have it more customizable? It changes like every minute or so
10 out of 10 best plugin
Nice work
Super advanced plugin that is surprisingly easy to use/set up. Crazy amount of detail and overall great addition to economic servers.