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Do you run a server where Metal Signs are required for buildings to show the last time the player was online? Ease the stress of your players with this plugin! Signs will automatically update apon joining!


  • Automically updates players Signs
  • Customizeable
  • Rich Text Support
  • Different Text Colors for each Permisison Group!
  • Webhook Intergration

Player Commands

  • AddSign | BTSignUpdater.AddSign | Sets Sign to Automatically update
  • CheckTime | BTSignUpdater.CheckTime | Displays DateTime to the Chat


%PlayerName% - Returns the Player Character Name
%DisplayName% - Returns the Players Display Name
%PlayerID% - Returns the player CSteamID
%PlayerSteamName% - Returns Players Steam Name
%PlayerHealth% - Returns the players health
%PlayerFood% - Returns the players food count
%PlayerWater% - Returns the players water count
%PlayerStamina% - Returns the players stamina count
%Date% - Simplifies the Date
%Custom% - Uses the custom format in the Configuration
%DisplayColor% - Uses ColorList to grab a Hex Color depending on the players permisisons
%IsOnline% - Returns True or False if they player is online or not
%[% - Replaces to <
%]% - Replaces to >
%{% - Replaces to [
%}% - Replaces to ]

Custom Formats

To use a custom format, vist the following link Link. In there, you can choose from any of the following formats or make your own!



User Reviews

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Store: BTPlugins

Price: $5.99

Supported payment methods
PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.