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Farm Restrictions

A plugin to restrict who can farm seeds and which seeds can be farmed


  • You can set up a max amount of seeds using permissions
  • You can blacklist seeds by using its id or name.
  • People with the bypass permission will be allowed to plant the blacklisted seed
  • No database needed
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Set Up

  1. Fill all the credentials in the imperialpluginsloader.dll
  2. Restart your server
  3. Set up amount restrictions and seeds blacklist. I recommend you to take a look at the comments inside the file
  4. Restart your server


amountRestrictions: # Restricts how many seeds a player can plant
    permission: "restriction.player" # The permission grants access to the limit (amount)
    amount: 10 # The amount of seeds the player can plant on the server
    permission: ""
    amount: 20
    permission: "restriction.mvp"
    amount: 30
# I recommend you to use this for seeds of drugs that only people with the drug dealer role should be able to place down
    id: "Carrot Seed" # Id or full name are fine
    bypassPermission: "bypass.carrot" # Players with this permission will be allows to plant them
    id: "Pumpkin Seed"
    bypassPermission: "bypass.pumpkin"
# In the case you want someone to be able to use all the blacklisted seeds give him the permission: Feli.FarmRestrictions:bypass.*
# If you dont want to blacklist any seeds just leave blacklisted seeds in this way 
# Example:
# blacklistedSeeds: []


  noAmount: "You are not allowed to place seeds"
  exceededAmount: "You exceeded the limit of seeds you can place. Limit: {Amount}"

blacklistedSeeds: "You are not allowed to place {Name}"

User Reviews

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Store: FPlugins

Price: $7

Supported payment methods
Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms
OpenMod, RocketMod

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.