
(*)(*)(*)(*)( ) (1)

Allow your players to claim Rewards for getting on each day and claiming the Calendar Day! Countless types of rewards can be given!


  • Supports Rich Text
  • Rewards for each day
  • Rewards for each Streak
  • Can use Experience or Uconomy
  • Christmas Trees!!!
  • Punch Christmas Trees to bring up the UI!

Player Commands

  • Advent | BTCalendar.Player.Advent | Opens up the Advent Calendar

PlayerAdministration Commands

  • ClearData | BTCalendar.Administration.ClearData | A Debugging command to clear the players Streaks and Claimed Boxes without needing to clear the Database Table

Workshop Mod


%PlayerName% - Returns the Player Character Name
%DisplayName% - Returns the Players Display Name
%PlayerID% - Returns the player CSteamID
%PlayerSteamName% - Returns Players Steam Name
%PlayerHealth% - Returns the players health
%PlayerFood% - Returns the players food count
%PlayerWater% - Returns the players water count
%PlayerStamina% - Returns the players stamina count
%Date% - Simplifies the Date
%Custom% - Uses the custom format in the Configuration
%DisplayColor% - Uses ColorList to grab a Hex Color depending on the players permisisons
%IsOnline% - Returns True or False if they player is online or not
%[% - Replaces to <
%]% - Replaces to >
%{% - Replaces to [
%}% - Replaces to ]

Configuration Explanation

Day - The day that the Box can be claimed. The Format needs to be MM/dd/yyyy
DisplayDayNumber - The Day Number displayed on the Box of the UI
HourOffset - If you want your Boxes to open up at a different time, you can set a offset. For a example, If you set it to 5. The next box will open up from the current time + 5 more hours.
AllowClaimAnyDebug - This is for Debug Purpouses ONLY. This will allow you to claim any box without worrying about the Date
DebugMode - This will send Debug Messages to console. Helpful for Debugging issues with the plugin



User Reviews

Best, waste of money ever(*)(*)(*)(*)( ) - Dec 28, 2023

on day 1 everyone was walking past the Christmas tree and nobody bothered reading the sign saying to punch the tree. on day 2 I showed a few people how it worked. by day 5 everyone knew how it worked and they loved it.

Rewards took a few hours to setup but that's only because it took a long time to add in all the rewards and streak rewards. There was a bit of a GUI ID/GUID conflict with the BTMail plugin but aside from that, it was worth it. Will def use it next Christmas too

0 out of 0 people found this helpful

If you have any suggestions for the plugin on how to make it better, ideas, or how to make it more user friendly for servers owners. I am all ears.

BTPlugins | Jan 8, 2024

Store: BTPlugins

Price: $15

Supported payment methods
PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.