- Configure envoys with certain chance to spawn on the map at random positions.
- Set envoy positions around the map, envoys will choose a random position to spawn.
- Have items in an envoy to have a chance to spawn in the envoy.
- Effect (firework default) can also be played at the position where the envoy spawned.
- Comes with 3 firework effects and 3 envoy crates that you can use. (Install this mod on your server for it to work)
- You can create as many different envoys you want with different chance for them to spawn.
- You can set minimum and maximum amount of envoys that can spawn at a time.
- You can set minimum and maximum amount of items that can spawn in an envoy at a time.
- You can set effect that can be played at the position of the envoy spawning.
- You can set envoy spawn positions around the map, envoys will choose a random psoition to spawn at.
- All envoys are removed before they are spawned and after every server start.
- Envoy will be cleared after they are emptied by a player.
- Don't use any storage crate that is used on the server as storage by players as all crates associated to envoys will be removed every server start and before every envoy spawning.
- Common Envoy Chest = 17390
- Rare Envoy Chest = 17392
- Mythical Envoy Chest = 17391
- Green Firework = 17381
- Blue Firework = 17382
- Red Firework = 17380
- /envoyposition (add/remove/list) [id]
- /callenvoy
- ParadoxEnvoys.Commands.CommandEnvoyPosition
- ParadoxEnvoys.Commands.RemoveEnvoyPosition
- ParadoxEnvoys.Commands.ListEnvoyPosition
- ParadoxEnvoys.Commands.AddEnvoyPosition
- ParadoxEnvoys.Commands.CommandCallEnvoy
If you bought the plugin and ran it on your server for the first time, no whitelisting is required. For any other servers that you use it on after that, you will need to create a whitelist ticket for it to work. Rules & procedure for requesting a whitelist ticket can be found here.
Default waiting time for any whitelist ticket to be processed is 3 days (usually I check all tickets every 3 days). If you are in an emergency and require urgent whitelisting, please dm me on discord or create a ticket here and ping me. If it takes more than 3 days, then please dm me or ping me on that discord, situations arise where I am unable to check tickets regularly.
If you have any bugs, support, questions then join this discord and create a ticket!
- RespawnSeconds = Seconds after which envoys will be spawned.
- UIShowsSeconds = Countdown UI will show when there are this many seconds left for the envoys to spawn.
- MinEnvoys = Minimum envoys that will spawn on the map on random positions set.
- MaxEnvoys = Maximum envoys that can spawn on the map on random positions set.
- EnableDebugLogs = Enable this if you want your console to be spammed by the debug logs from plugin (Only enable if asked to by the dev).
- ID = ID of the envoy (make sure it is different per envoy).
- BoxID = The storage that will drop with the items as the envoy (make sure it is something not used anywhere as envoys get wiped every server start).
- EffectID = The effect id will spawn when the box is spawned which the players can see from a distance.
- YOffset = If the storage spawns a bit underground and can't be accessed, increase this Y offset a bit.
- Weight = Chance of the envoy spawning (it works on the weight based system)
- MinItems = Minimum amount of items that the envoy will have.
- MaxItems = Maximum amount of items that the envoy will have.
- ItemID = Item ID that the envoy can have in it
- Weight = Chance of the item spawning in the envoy (it works on the weight based system)
User Reviews
This plugin works fine
I've been using this plugin on my server for a while now and its the most easiest plugin to set up.
many features and very good price!
Great plugin, Works exactly how its intended.