- Create banks with AdvancedRegions that can be robbed by players.
- Allow multiple banks to be robbed at once.
- Hostages can be kept inside the bank before starting the robbery for extra amount at the end of robbery if kept alive and inside the bank. (Set if the hostages need to be cuffed beforehand)
- Money pot system, every X seconds X money is added to the pot. At the end of the robbery all of the robbers involved in the robbery get an equal cut from the pot.
- Give reward to the players for killing robbers.
- This plugin requires a UI needed to work which can be found here.
- You can set if robber needs a permission to start a robbery. (If it's set to true, then the group members that want to be involved in the robbery should have the permission as well)
- You can set if multiple banks should be able to be robbed at the same time or not.
- You can set a global cooldown for every bank robbery.
- You can set a personal cooldown for a bank.
- You can set X amount of money to be given in X amount of seconds. And the total time it will take to complete a robbery.
- The robbers have to stay inside the region at all times. If they leave at anytime, they'll be removed from the robbery and they won't be given their cut once the robbery ends.
- If all robbers leave, die before the robbery ends nobody gets their cut.
- You can set if police should recieve a notification when a robbery starts.
- You can set if you want the hostages system and also set if they should be cuffed before the bank robbery starts.
- You can set how much extra money each hostage gives at the end of robbery (Per region)
- If any hostage leaves or dies before the robbery ends, they won't get the extra money for that hostage that left.
- Make sure this plugin is set beneath Advanced Regions in Imperial Loader Configuration.
- /bankrob = If you are in a bank region and have the permissions you can start a robbery there (Permission: bankrob.rob)
- /checkbank = Check if the bank region you are in, can be robbed. (Permission: bankrob.checkbank)
First setup the region you want to be defined as a bank, then do /rflag "Region Name" bank set Enabled true. This will enable that region to be robbed. You need to set all these values before starting a robbery or it'll error. To set any value you'll do /rflag "Region Name" bank set Value Amount for eg.
- /rflag "Seattle Bank" bank set BankLocation "Seattle Bank"
- /rflag "Seattle Bank" bank set MoneyPerInterval 60
- BankLocation = This is the bank name, which will be shown everywhere in the chat and UI. (Eg. Seattle Bank)
- MoneyPerInterval = This will be the amount of money given at every interval which will be set in IntervalTime.
- IntervalTime = This will be the seconds after which the amount set in MoneyPerInterval will be added to the money pot and shown in the UI.
- RobberyTime = This will be the seconds after which the robbery will end (Make this value be divisible by IntervalTime so if you want them to be given money 4 times and your total RobberyTime is 200 seconds, then IntervalTime will be 50 seconds)
- HostageMoney = This will be the extra money given at the end of robbery per every hostage kept in the bank until the robbery ends.
- CooldownSeconds = This will be the bank's personal cooldown which will initiate after a robbery is over (Set this to 0 if you don't want this cooldown)
If you bought the plugin and ran it on your server for the first time, no whitelisting is required. For any other servers that you use it on after that, you will need to create a whitelist ticket for it to work. Rules & procedure for requesting a whitelist ticket can be found here.
Default waiting time for any whitelist ticket to be processed is 3 days (usually I check all tickets every 3 days). If you are in an emergency and require urgent whitelisting, please dm me on discord or create a ticket here and ping me. If it takes more than 3 days, then please dm me or ping me on that discord, situations arise where I am unable to check tickets regularly.
If you have any bugs, support, questions then join this discord and create a ticket!
- AllowedMultipleBankRobs = Set this to true if you want multiple banks to be robbed at the same time (Make sure to set GlobalCooldownSeconds to 0 if you want to do this)
- GlobalCooldownSeconds = Global cooldown that starts after a robbery has ended. Set this to 0 if you don't want any cooldown.
- AllowSteamProfileRead = Set this to false if you are hosting in a country where steam profile is banned (eg. China)
- DefaultIcon = If you have set AllowSteamProfileRead to false the image url here will be used for player's profile icons in the UI.
- HaveHostageSystem = Set this to true if you want to have the hostage system enabled.
- ShouldHostageBeCuffed = Set this to true if you want only those hostages counted which are cuffed before starting a bank robbery. If set to false, anyone that is not a robber will be considered as a hostage who is inside the bank at the time of robbery start.
- SetMarkerOnPolice = Set this to true if you want all the police on the server to have a marker set to the bank's location which is being robbed.
- AllowBankRobWithoutPolice = Set this to true if you don't want the plugin to check if certain amount of police are there on the server before starting a bank robbery.
- PoliceShouldNotBeInBank = Set this to true if you don't want any police to be inside the bank at the time of robbery start.
- PoliceNotifications = Set this to true if you want the police notifications to be shown on the left side as soon as a robbery has started.
- PoliceNeeded = This many police will be needed to start a robbery online on the server. (If AllowBankRobWithoutPolice is set to false)
- PolicePermission = Permission that indicates who is a police on the server, give this permission to police.
- AllowRewardForKillingRobbers = Set this to true if you want the player who kills the robbers to get a reward.
- OnlyPoliceGetReward = Set this to true if you only want police to get the reward when they kill the robbers.
- GiveRewardAfterKillingAllRobbers = Set this to true if you want the reward to be given to the player who killed the last robber (reward isn't given for all the players who killed robbers, only if they end the robbery by killing the last robber)
- Reward = The reward given to the player who killed the robber.
- RobberNeedPermission = Set this to false if you don't want the robber to need permission to start a robbery (Same goes for all the group members involved in the robbery)
- RobberPermission = The permission the robber needs to start a robbery (If RobberNeedPermission is set to true)
- CurrencyPrefix = Prefix which will be shown when displaying a currency.
- CurrencySuffix = Suffix which will be shown when displaying a currency.
- UseExp = Set this to true if you want to use exp as a form of balance.
- UseUconomy = Set this to true if you want to use uconomy as a form of balance (BankingSystem is supported)
- EnableDebugLogs = Enable this if you want your console to be spammed by the debug logs from plugin (Only enable if asked to by the dev)
User Reviews
good plugin for making money
it always wokr well
Nice work
For now it does what it is supposed to. Big up!
I love the paradox plugins and I would suggest more configuration for giving what ever money they earned if failed and add a timer for failure when leaving the bank
Do what you say and it is very interesting but it is very expensive