Wipe Protect

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About Wipe Protect

This plugin provides the Player with raid protection from the first login after Wipe until the time you set. While the player's protection is in progress, he cannot damage another player's house and his own house cannot be damaged. If the player wants to remove this protection before the time expires, typing chate /noprotect will suffice. You can set the plugin related settings from the config file.

if player has auth of cupboard then player can give damage everything in cupboard range.

Plugins Depends On Image Library Custom Status Framework

Config File Example Settings

"Protect Enabled": true,// Plugin enabled => true, disbled => false

"Gui Enabled": true, // Gui Enabled

"Protect Type": 2, // Protect Type player => 1 , General => 2;

"Chat Message Enabled": true, //chat message active or passive

"Protect Time": 900, // how many minute player has protect after first login

"Protect Icon Url": "https://icon-library.com/images/protect-icon/protect-icon-18.jpg", //icon image url

"Player Has Protect Notification Color Code": "0.46275 0.22745 0.18431 1", //color rgba massive code

"Wipe Protect Enabled Notification Color Code": "0.46275 0.22745 0.18431 1", //color rgba massive code

"Check Status Gui Time": 1, // Check Time interval As Like Minute

"Message Player Own Protect": "Wipe Protect Active",

"Message Other Player Own Protect": "Player Wipe Protect",

"You Have Protect Message": "You Have Wipe Wipe Protect Before Write /noprotect to chat for starting damage",

"Player has Protect Message": "The Player Have Wipe Protect You Cant Give Attack", // Other Player Protect Message for attacker

"General Wipe Block Message": "Wipe Block" // General Wipe Block Message 

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Store: P1S4G0R

Price: $29.99

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All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.