Raid Cost Calculator

(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (1)

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How much did my raid cost? This plugin can answer that question!


  • raidcostcalculator.use -- Allows using the commands

Chat Commands

  • /rcc.start -- Starts tracking and calculating ingredients of raid materials used
  • /rcc.end -- Stops tracking and hides the UI


  "Config": {
    "Default image for item": "",
    "Items Image": {
      "40mm_grenade_he": "",
      "40mm_grenade_smoke": "",
      "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": "",
      "": "",
      "ammo.nailgun.nails": "",
      "ammo.pistol": "",
      "": "",
      "ammo.pistol.hv": "",
      "ammo.rifle": "",
      "ammo.rifle.explosive": "",
      "ammo.rifle.hv": "",
      "ammo.rifle.incendiary": "",
      "ammo.shotgun": "",
      "": "",
      "ammo.shotgun.slug": "",
      "arrow.bone": "",
      "": "",
      "arrow.hv": "",
      "arrow.wooden": "",
      "explosive.timed": "",
      "grenade.beancan": "",
      "grenade.f1": "",
      "rocket_basic": "",
      "rocket_fire": "",
      "rocket_hv": "",
      "rocket_smoke": "",
      "explosive.satchel": ""
    "Ingredients Image": {
      "fat.animal": "",
      "metal.fragments": "",
      "metal.refined": "",
      "scrap": "",
      "stones": "",
      "sulfur": "",
      "wood": "",
      "bone.fragments": "",
      "charcoal": "",
      "cloth": "",
      "explosives": ""


  "NoPermission": "You don't have permissions to use this command!",
  "TrackingStart": "Tracking started!",
  "TrackingEnd": "Tracking ended!"


The plugin stores the results of the calculations in a data file in order to reuse them later on. This is helpful to avoid performance issues instead of recalculating the ingredients each time a bullet is fired.

User Reviews

Please update(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Feb 25, 2024

Please update

0 out of 0 people found this helpful

Store: Dana

Price: $15

Supported payment methods

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.