A plugin for RP that alerts first responders to people in need of their help!
/panic - Triggers Panic Mode and alerts any first responders with the set permission online
Aliases: /pb, /panicbutton
Permission: pb.panic
/resolve [player] - Used by First responders to resolve a players panic
Aliases: /r, /res
Permission: pb.resolve
Users in this mode have their location sent to any users with the panic.receive permission by default (editable in config)
along with their name, and location they are close by to, they will also have an effect (set in config) that is triggered on them to help the users find them quicker
Users can disable panic mode by doing rerunning the /panic command or any alias and first responders will be notified in chat that panic mode for this user has been cancelled
These are people with the panic.receive permission (can be changed in config) they are the people that go to the users that are in panic mode to resolve their problem
they do this by first solving the problem then typing /resolve [player] the rest of the first responders online are then notified that it has been resolved
User Reviews
Nice Work
Incredibly simple, incredibly easy. I have no other words. You can't beat the price, it's such a simple concept and it's amazing.
Thanks for the great review!
I would recommend this plugin to anyone looking for something like this.
Thanks for the great review!
This plugin is a simple plugin, but for the price you cant beat it. It allows people to call the police, do a panic attack for people to come fast etc. I do recomend this plugin.
Thanks for the great review!