
(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (3)

You must ask mod ip whitelist

What the killfeed shows

Title (if configured) with logo (if configured), you can change title Color Murderer with HP, weapon and distance (Configurable in translation.xml and colors in Configuration.xml) Icon of the death Body icon of the victim Victim name

How many kills it shows

It can show 8 lines max (you can configure numbers of line it shows) Each new kill go to the top of UI Lines Colors can be configured You can configure how many time a kill is shown


  • /killfeed => hide or show the killfeed to caller


maxLineKillfeed can be max at 8, logoURL must be the url of an remote image which is accessible by everyone like, if is logoLeftPlaced is false then the logo will be placed at the right of title rarityColors are the color which will take the weapon you used to kill someone, it depends on rarity

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<gitankillfeedConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <title>Edit configuration.xml</title>


To customize what a kill line should looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="murdererHP" Value="[{0} HP]" />
  <Translation Id="murderWeapon" Value="{0}" />
  <Translation Id="murderDistance" Value="[{0}m]" />

Icons customisation

Customizing icons process
  1. download this folder : link and unzip it.
  2. Inside folder replace icons by yours (it must have the same name so simply replace each icon you want to replace, at the end the folder should have 30 images inside it )
  3. Put your new icons in a remote directory accessible by everyone.
  4. Replace config baseUrl by the remote directory URL (link which can be accessed by anyone, example : if baseUrl = https// so if you go to it should display an image) If the config is correct your custom icons should be shown !

If you want to specify your own icons, they're MUST have this names (for BaseUrl info, go to configuration section) :

torso.png --torso icon (killed in torso part)
spine.png --spine icon (killed in spine part)
skull.png -- skull part icon (killed in skull)
leg.png --leg icon (killed in leg)
kill.png -- bullets icon (player was shot down)
back.png -- back icon (killed in back part)
arm.png -- arm icon (killed in arm)
ZOMBIE.png - (death from zombie) zombie icon
WATER.png -- death from thirst
SUICIDE.png -- player kills himself
SPARK.png -- death from electricity (&electrical gian zombie)
SHRED.png -- death from barbed wires, fences, etc...
SENTRY.png -- shot by sentry
ROADKILL.png --hit by a car to death
PUNCH.png --killed by another player with punch
MELT.png - when player melt in acid
MELEE.png -- killed with cold weapon
INFECTION.png -- died from being infected
HYPER.png --died from zombie at full noon
FREEZE.png -- froze to death
FOOD.png -- died from starvation
CHARGE.png -- was exploded by demolition charge, car explosion, etc...
BURNING.png -- was burnt down by flamer zombie, etc...
BREATH.png -- drowned
BOULDER.png -- smashed by a rock
BONE.png -- fell from high place
BLOOD.png --bled out
ANIMAL.png -- bitten to death by animals (like bears)
ACID.png -- melt in acid

Tested by @Nik02

I don't have remote server or directory to put my custom icons, what can i do ?

If you doesn't have a remote directory to put your customs icons contact me on my discord : schildev and send me your icons in zip format, i'll send you the url to put in your config

My discord server (create a ticket)

User Reviews

Good killfeed(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Jun 17, 2024

I had some problems installing it at first, but schildkrote helped me and now I can use the plugin :)

0 out of 0 people found this helpful
Nice Plugin!(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Mar 21, 2024

Very nice plugin if you are either going to make a PVP server or semi-RP!

2 out of 2 people found this helpful
this is good(*)(*)(*)(*)( ) - Jan 21, 2024


1 out of 1 people found this helpful

Store: Schildev

Price: $13

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PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.