
(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (1)

Add Deathmatch game modes to any server. Easily.

Deathmatch plugins come with an easy-to-use configuration. They can be ran on any server as nothing is persistent - when the match ends, player's inventories, positions, reputations, etc. are all restored.


Players join the current match/match pool (if there is no running match) with the /join command. When the match starts, all players in the match pool have their inventories saved and cleared. They are teleported to the match and equipped with a configured loadout. Depending on the game mode, the winners/losers of the match will be given rewards.

This purchase is a composition of three plugins:

  • Deathmatch (Deathmatch.Core) - The base framework for all Deathmatch game mode.
  • Team Deathmatch - A game mode.
  • Free For All - Another game mode.

More game modes are planned, but they will be separate purchases.


First, run these commands in your console:

openmod install Deathmatch.Core

After installing the plugins through the Imperial Plugins Loader, navigate to each plugins' config.yaml file. Each will contain comments on how to configure the plugin. Configure them to your requirements.

Server in a language other than English? No problem! Modify the plugins' translations.yaml file to change the text displayed to the user. You will also need to modify the Deathmatch.Core\matches.yaml. Here you can change the titles/descriptions of all Deathmatch game modes.

Deathmatch Commands

  • /join - Used by players to join the current match/match pool.
  • /leave - Used by players to leave the current match/match pool.
  • /dmstart [game mode] - Starts a match of either the specified or a random game mode.
  • /dmend [game mode] - Ends the current match.

Team Deathmatch Commands

  • /tdm - Manages the Team Deathmatch game mode.
  • /tdm spawns <[a]dd/[r]emove/[l]ist/[c]lear> <[r]ed/[b]lue> - Manages the TDM spawns.

Free For All Commands

  • /ffa - Manages the Free For All game mode.
  • /ffa spawns <[a]dd/[r]emove/[l]ist/[c]lear> - Manages the FFA spawns.

Deathmatch Configuration

# Time between match starts
# Set to zero for manual match starts
MatchInterval: 1800 # Default is every 30 minutes

# Announcements before match starts
# MessageValue is passed to the translation in translations.yaml
- SecondsBefore: 900
  MessageTime: "fifteen minutes" # {Time} in translations
- SecondsBefore: 300
  MessageTime: "five minutes"
- SecondsBefore: 60
  MessageTime: "one minute"
- SecondsBefore: 30
  MessageTime: "thirty seconds"
- SecondsBefore: 10
  MessageTime: "ten seconds"

# Commands unable to be run during a match
- vault
- i

Team Deathmatch Configuration

# Auto respawns players when they die
  Enabled: true
  Delay: 0 # seconds

FriendlyFire: false

# Number of deaths one team much reach before they win
# A death only counts if the kill was from another player
# unless, they died from bleeding.
DeathThreshold: 30

# Max match duration in seconds
# Zero for unlimited duration
MaxDuration: 600

- Title: Red # Given to members of the red team
  - Id: Viper
  - Id: Viper Magazine
    Amount: 4
	- Id: Red Shirt
- Title: Blue # Given to members of the blue team
  - Id: Viper
  - Id: Viper Magazine
    Amount: 4
	- Id: Blue Shirt

  # Minimum number of total players needed to gain rewards
  # This is to stop players boosting and gaining massive
  # amounts of rewards when player count is low
  MinimumPlayers: 8

  Winners: # Only winners will receive these rewards
  - Id: Grilled Cheese Sandwich
    Amount: 1
    Chance: 1 # Represents a 100% chance
  - Id: Canned Beans
    Amount: 2
    # No defined chance also represents a 100% chance
  - Id: Eaglefire
    Amount: 1
    Chance: 0.1 # Represents a 10% chance
  Losers: # Only losers will receive these rewards
  - Id: Tomato
    Amount: 5
  Tied: # If the game comes to a tie, both teams will receive these rewards
  - Id: Grilled Cheese Sandwich
    Amount: 2
  All: # Both teams will receive these rewards in all cases
  - Id: Police Vest
    Amount: 1

Free For All Configuration

# Auto respawns players when they die
  Enabled: true
  Delay: 0 # seconds

# Number of kill a player must reach before they win
KillThreshold: 30

# Max match duration in seconds
# Zero for unlimited duration
MaxDuration: 600

- Title: Main
  - Id: Viper
  - Id: Viper Magazine
    Amount: 4

  # Minimum number of total players needed to gain rewards
  # This is to stop players boosting and gaining massive
  # amounts of rewards when player count is low
  MinimumPlayers: 5

  Winners: # Only winners will receive these rewards
  - Id: Grilled Cheese Sandwich
    Amount: 1
    Chance: 1 # Represents a 100% chance
  - Id: Canned Beans
    Amount: 2
    # No defined chance also represents a 100% chance
  - Id: Eaglefire
    Amount: 1
    Chance: 0.1 # Represents a 10% chance
  Losers: # Only losers will receive these rewards
  - Id: Tomato
    Amount: 5
  Tied: # If the game comes to a tie, both teams will receive these rewards
  - Id: Grilled Cheese Sandwich
    Amount: 2
  All: # Both teams will receive these rewards in all cases
  - Id: Police Vest
    Amount: 1

User Reviews

Funny Plugin(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Dec 15, 2023

Was a little complicate prepare everything, but was great, is very funny, in my server, everyone was enjoying it. Could be nice to add a UI that show the stats during the match, like a kill counter or more, for know at the moment whon is winning.

0 out of 0 people found this helpful

Store: FPlugins

Price: $25

Supported payment methods
Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.