
(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (1)


The plugin is an UI which shows severals information to user when he dies, This plugin displays the following information at death in a UI at the top of the screen:

  • Time the user has survived (unit is configurable)
  • Username of the user
  • the part of the body affected in a configurable image

if the death is a kill :

  • picture profile of the murderer

  • username of the murderer

  • remaining HP of the murderer

  • weapon name of the murderer

  • distance of the kill

By clicking the red button you can go to killer's steam profile in order to report/add him

How can I get a Steam API Key and why must I set it

The Steam API Key is necessary to get the profile pictures working, to get one API Key watch the video at 0:45 to get a tutorial. Get my API KEY

How can I configure UI

You can change UI text inside the translations.xml file, inside this file you can also modify the color of each text by replacing the #DDDBF1 by another hexadecimal

Translations.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="HPLine" Value="&lt;#DDDBF1&gt; {0} HP &lt;/color&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="MurdererLine" Value="&lt;#DDDBF1&gt; {0} &lt;/color&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="VictimLine" Value="&lt;#DDDBF1&gt; {0} &lt;/color&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="WeaponName" Value="&lt;#DDDBF1&gt; {0} &lt;/color&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="KillDistanceLine" Value="&lt;#DDDBF1&gt; {0} M &lt;/color&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="TimeSurvivedLine" Value="&lt;#DDDBF1&gt; You survived {0} hours &lt;/color&gt;" />
	<Translation Id="TimeHour" Value="{0} Hours and {1:D2} minutes" />
  <Translation Id="TimeMinutes" Value="{0} Minutes and {1:D2} seconds" />


time unit can be hour or minutes, to change the line corresponding to unit go to Translations.xml if OnlyActiveOnKill is true the UI appear only when the player get killed SteamAPIKey is your SteamAPIKey, if you don't know how to get it watch the end of my video

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Body Part="SPINE">
    <Body Part="LEFT_ARM">
    <Body Part="LEFT_LEG">
    <Body Part="LEFT_BACK">
    <Body Part="SKULL">
    <Body Part="LEFT_FRONT">

User Reviews

Me encanto este producto (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Jun 2, 2024

Simple y fácil de usar una característica Muy buena para los servidores al momento de una muerte me encanto lo recomiendo , y el soporte es Muy bueno

0 out of 0 people found this helpful

Store: Schildev

Price: $12

Supported payment methods
PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.