Allow your players to claim Rewards for getting on each day and claiming the Calendar Day! Countless types of rewards can be given!
- Supports Rich Text
- Rewards for each day
- Rewards for each Streak
- Can use Experience or Uconomy
- Christmas Trees!!!
- Punch Christmas Trees to bring up the UI!
Player Commands
- Advent |
| Opens up the Advent Calendar
PlayerAdministration Commands
- ClearData |
| A Debugging command to clear the players Streaks and Claimed Boxes without needing to clear the Database Table
Workshop Mod
%PlayerName% - Returns the Player Character Name
%DisplayName% - Returns the Players Display Name
%PlayerID% - Returns the player CSteamID
%PlayerSteamName% - Returns Players Steam Name
%PlayerHealth% - Returns the players health
%PlayerFood% - Returns the players food count
%PlayerWater% - Returns the players water count
%PlayerStamina% - Returns the players stamina count
%Date% - Simplifies the Date
%Custom% - Uses the custom format in the Configuration
%DisplayColor% - Uses ColorList to grab a Hex Color depending on the players permisisons
%IsOnline% - Returns True or False if they player is online or not
%[% - Replaces to <
%]% - Replaces to >
%{% - Replaces to [
%}% - Replaces to ]
Configuration Explanation
- The day that the Box can be claimed. The Format needs to be MM/dd/yyyy
- The Day Number displayed on the Box of the UI
- If you want your Boxes to open up at a different time, you can set a offset. For a example, If you set it to 5
. The next box will open up from the current time + 5 more hours.
- This is for Debug Purpouses ONLY. This will allow you to claim any box without worrying about the Date
- This will send Debug Messages to console. Helpful for Debugging issues with the plugin

User Reviews
on day 1 everyone was walking past the Christmas tree and nobody bothered reading the sign saying to punch the tree. on day 2 I showed a few people how it worked. by day 5 everyone knew how it worked and they loved it.
Rewards took a few hours to setup but that's only because it took a long time to add in all the rewards and streak rewards. There was a bit of a GUI ID/GUID conflict with the BTMail plugin but aside from that, it was worth it. Will def use it next Christmas too
If you have any suggestions for the plugin on how to make it better, ideas, or how to make it more user friendly for servers owners. I am all ears.