Character System

(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) (1)


  • Character Creation
  • Character Customization
  • Character Selection
  • Multiple Characters
  • Uconomy Support
  • Experience As Currency
  • OpenMod Economy Support
  • Persistent Per-Character Inventories, Position, Experience, Reputation, and Life Stats
  • Full UI Translation



Initial Setup

  1. Add license key to ImperialLoader configuration
  2. Install HyperPlugins.AI using om install HyperPlugins.AI command
  3. Install database dependencies using om install OpenMod.EntityframeworkCore.MySql and om install [email protected]
  4. Run server and let configuration generate
  5. Setup MySQL database information

Migrating Economy

Migrating from an existing economy provider will set a players FIRST CHARACTER balance to their existing balance. Additional characters will start with the amount defined in Economy:StartingMoney in config.yaml

Uconomy: To migrate from Uconomy, set Economy:MigrateProvider in config.yaml to Uconomy, then set Economy:MigrateTableName to your uconomy table in database (Default: uconomy)

OpenMod.Economy To migrate from OpenMod.Economy, set Economy:MigrateProvider in config.yaml to OpenMod, then set Economy:MigrateTableName to your OpenMod.Economy table in database (Default: Economy)

Migrating Characters

Character System supports full character migration of inventory, reputation, experience, boost, and clothing from Unturneds vanilla system. To enable migration, set Creation:MigrateCharacters to true in config.yaml. Then, whenever a player creates a character everything will be fully migrated. Note that character migration works based off of the character they have selected in Unturneds character system, and are only migrateable once. So, to migrate character 0 (the first character under Survivors -> Character in the Unturned menu) the player must select this character, connect to the server, and create a character on the server. So, for a gold player to migrate all 5 characters, they would need to select each character respectively, connect to the server, create a character on the server in order to have each character migrated.

Scene Configuration

The scene is the position the player and players character are set to during creation and selection. In config.yaml this is defined under Scene:Character for the character and Scene:Player for the player, to configure this scene, go to the desired position in-game and use command /pos your coordinates will be printed into chat and console. It is important to properly set the respective rotations. For player rotation use the Player Yaw: value, for the characters rotation use the Dummy Rot: value.


/character logout Returns the player to the character selection screen

/balance See your current characters balance

/pay <character id or name or look at player> <amount> Pay another player from your balance

/pos Print your current position and rotation to chat and console



User Reviews

Really good plugin and developer(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) - Jan 1, 1

I'm the developer of the AI Bots plugin. This plugin was conflicting with my plugin but he fixed it! This plugin is also great, I recommend it!

3 out of 5 people found this helpful

Store: Hyper Plugins

Price: $50

Supported payment methods
PayPal, Skrill, WebMoney

Supported Platforms

All future updates (bug fixes, new features, etc.) are included in the price.